Writing basic validator scripts

Validator scripts are the programs that can be used to lock transaction outputs on the chain. Validator scripts are Plutus Core programs, but we can use Plutus Tx to write them easily in Haskell. Check out the Plutus Tx tutorial before reading this one.

Validator arguments

Validators receive some information from the validating node:

  • The redeemer, which is some script-specific data specified by the party spending the output.

  • The datum, which is some script-specific data specified by the party who created the output.

  • The script context, which contains a representation of the spending transaction, as well as the index of the input whose validator is currently being run.

The validator is a function which receives these three inputs as arguments. The validating node is responsible for passing them in and running the validator.

The Data type

But how are the validator’s arguments passed? Different scripts are going to expect different sorts of values in their datums and redeemers.

The answer is that we pass the arguments as a generic structured data type PlutusCore.Data.Data. Data is designed to make it easy to encode structured data into it, and is essentially a subset of CBOR.

Validator scripts take three arguments of type Data. Since Data is represented as a builtin type in Plutus Core, we use a special Haskell type BuiltinData rather than the underlying Data type

However, you will typically not want to use BuiltinData directly in your program, rather you will want to use your own datatypes. We can easily convert to and from BuiltinData with the PlutusTx.IsData.Class.ToData, PlutusTx.IsData.Class.FromData, and PlutusTx.IsData.Class.UnsafeFromData typeclasses. You usually don’t need to write your own instances of these classes. Instead, you can use the unstableMakeIsData or makeIsDataIndexed Template Haskell functions to generate one.


The PlutusTx.IsData.Class.UnsafeFromData class provides unsafeFromBuiltinData, which is the same as fromBuiltinData, but is faster and fails with error rather than returning a Maybe. We’ll use unsafeFromBuiltinData in this tutorial, but sometimes the other version is useful.

-- | A specific date.
newtype Date = Date Integer
-- | Either a specific end date, or "never".
data EndDate = Fixed Integer | Never

-- 'unstableMakeIsData' is a TemplateHaskell function that takes a type name and
-- generates an 'IsData' instance definition for it. It should work for most
-- types, including newtypes and sum types. For production usage use 'makeIsDataIndexed'
-- which ensures that the output is stable across time.
unstableMakeIsData ''Date
unstableMakeIsData ''EndDate

Signaling failure

The most important thing that a validator can do is fail. This indicates that the attempt to spend the output is invalid and that transaction validation should fail. A validator succeeds if it does not explicitly fail. The actual value returned by the validator is irrelevant.

How does a validator fail? It does so by using the PlutusTx.Builtins.error builtin. Some other builtins may also trigger failure if they are used incorrectly (e.g. 1/0).

Validator functions

We write validator scripts as Haskell functions, which we compile with Plutus Tx into Plutus Core. The type of a validator function is BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> (), that is, a function which takes three arguments of type BuiltinData, and returns a value of type () (“unit” or “the empty tuple” – since the return type doesn’t matter we just pick something trivial).

Here are two examples of simple validators that always succeed and always fail, respectively:

alwaysSucceeds :: BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> ()
alwaysSucceeds _ _ _ = ()

alwaysFails :: BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> ()
alwaysFails _ _ _ = error ()

-- We can use 'compile' to turn a validator function into a compiled Plutus Core program.
-- Here's a reminder of how to do it.
alwaysSucceedsCompiled :: CompiledCode (BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> ())
alwaysSucceedsCompiled = $$(compile [|| alwaysSucceeds ||])

If we want to write a validator that uses types other than BuiltinData, we’ll need to use the functions from PlutusTx.IsData.Class.FromData to decode them. Importantly, unsafeFromBuiltinData can fail: in our example if the BuiltinData in the second argument is not a correctly encoded Date then it will fail the whole validation with error, which is usually what we want if we have bad arguments.


Unfortunately there’s no way to provide failure diagnostics when a validator fails on chain – it just fails. However, since transaction validation is entirely deterministic, you’ll always be informed of this before you submit the transaction to the chain, so you can debug it locally using traceError.

Here’s an example that uses our date types to check whether the date which was provided is less than the stored limit in the datum.

-- | Checks if a date is before the given end date.
beforeEnd :: Date -> EndDate -> Bool
beforeEnd (Date d) (Fixed e) = d <= e
beforeEnd (Date _) Never     = True

-- | Check that the date in the redeemer is before the limit in the datum.
validateDate :: BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> ()
-- The 'check' function takes a 'Bool' and fails if it is false.
-- This is handy since it's more natural to talk about booleans.
validateDate datum redeemer _ =
    check $ beforeEnd (unsafeFromBuiltinData datum) (unsafeFromBuiltinData redeemer)

dateValidator :: CompiledCode (BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> ())
dateValidator = $$(compile [|| validateDate ||])

Plutus script context versions

Validators have access to the script context as their third argument. Each version of Plutus validators are differentiated only by their ScriptContext argument.

See this example from the file MustSpendScriptOutput.hs (lines 340 to 422) showing code addressing Versioned Policies for both Plutus V1 and Plutus V2.

The script context gives validators a great deal of power, because it allows them to inspect other inputs and outputs of the current transaction. For example, here is a validator that will only accept the transaction if a particular payment is made as part of it.

validatePayment :: BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> ()
validatePayment _ _ ctx =
    let valCtx = unsafeFromBuiltinData ctx
    -- The 'TxInfo' in the validation context is the representation of the
    -- transaction being validated
        txinfo = scriptContextTxInfo valCtx
    -- 'pubKeyOutputsAt' collects the 'Value' at all outputs which pay to
    -- the given public key hash
        values = pubKeyOutputsAt myKeyHash txinfo
    -- 'fold' sums up all the values, we assert that there must be more
    -- than 1 Ada (more stuff is fine!)
    in check $ lovelaceValueOf (fold values) >= 1_000_000

This makes use of some useful functions for working with script contexts.