How to produce a Plutus Contract Blueprint

Plutus Contract Blueprints (CIP-0057) are used to document the binary interface of a Plutus contract in a machine-readable format (JSON schema).

A contract Blueprint can be produced by using the writeBlueprint function exported by the PlutusTx.Blueprint module:

  :: FilePath
  -- ^ The file path where the blueprint will be written to,
  --  e.g. '/tmp/plutus.json'
  -> ContractBlueprint
  -- ^ Contains all the necessary information to generate
  -- a blueprint for a Plutus contract.
  -> IO ()

In order to demonstrate the usage of the writeBlueprint function, Let’s consider the following example validator function and its interface:

type MyDatum = Integer

data MyRedeemer = R1 | R2

data MyParams = MkMyParams
  { myBool    :: Bool
  , myInteger :: Integer

$(makeLift ''MyParams)
typedValidator :: MyParams -> MyDatum -> MyRedeemer -> ScriptContext -> Bool
typedValidator MkMyParams{..} datum redeemer _scriptContext =
  case redeemer of
    R1 -> myBool
    R2 -> myInteger == datum

untypedValidator :: MyParams -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> ()
untypedValidator params datum redeemer scriptContext =
  check $ typedValidator params datum' redeemer' scriptContext'
  datum' = unsafeFromBuiltinData datum
  redeemer' = unsafeFromBuiltinData redeemer
  scriptContext' = unsafeFromBuiltinData scriptContext

First of all we need to import required functionality:

import PlutusTx.Blueprint

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import PlutusLedgerApi.V3 (BuiltinData, ScriptContext, UnsafeFromData (..))
import PlutusTx.Blueprint.TH (makeIsDataSchemaIndexed)
import PlutusTx.Lift (makeLift)
import PlutusTx.Prelude (check)

Next we define a contract blueprint value of the following type:

data ContractBlueprint where
    :: forall referencedTypes
    . { contractId :: Maybe Text
        -- ^ An optional identifier for the contract.
      , contractPreamble :: Preamble
        -- ^ An object with meta-information about the contract.
      , contractValidators :: Set (ValidatorBlueprint referencedTypes)
        -- ^ A set of validator blueprints that are part of the contract.
      , contractDefinitions :: Definitions referencedTypes
        -- ^ A registry of schema definitions used across the blueprint.
    -> ContractBlueprint


The ‘referencedTypes’ type parameter is used to track the types used in the contract making sure their schemas are included in the blueprint and that they are referenced in a type-safe way.

The blueprint will contain JSON schema definitions for all the types used in the contract, including the types nested within the top-level types (MyParams, MyDatum, MyRedeemer):

  • Integer - nested within MyDatum and MyParams.

  • Bool - nested within MyParams.

This way, the referencedTypes type variable is inferred to be the following list:

'[ MyParams    -- top-level type
 , MyDatum     -- top-level type
 , MyRedeemer  -- top-level type
 , Integer     -- nested type
 , Bool        -- nested type

We can construct a value of this type like in this:

myContractBlueprint :: ContractBlueprint
myContractBlueprint =
    { contractId = Just "my-contract"
    , contractPreamble = myPreamble -- defined below
    , contractValidators = Set.singleton myValidator -- defined below
    , contractDefinitions = deriveDefinitions @[MyParams, MyDatum, MyRedeemer]

The contractId field is optional and can be used to give a unique identifier to the contract.

The contractPreamble field is a value of type PlutusTx.Blueprint.Preamble contains a meta-information about the contract:

data Preamble = MkPreamble
  { preambleTitle         :: Text
  -- ^ A short and descriptive title of the contract application
  , preambleDescription   :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ A more elaborate description
  , preambleVersion       :: Text
  -- ^ A version number for the project.
  , preamblePlutusVersion :: PlutusVersion
  -- ^ The Plutus version assumed for all validators
  , preambleLicense       :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ A license under which the specification
  -- and contract code is distributed

Here is an example construction:

myPreamble :: Preamble
myPreamble =
    { preambleTitle = "My Contract"
    , preambleDescription = Just "A simple contract"
    , preambleVersion = "1.0.0"
    , preamblePlutusVersion = PlutusV2
    , preambleLicense = Just "MIT"

The contractDefinitions field is a registry of schema definitions used across the blueprint. It can be constructed using the deriveDefinitions function which automatically constructs schema definitions for all the types its applied to inluding the types nested within them.

Since every type in the referencedTypes list is going to have its derived JSON-schema in the contractDefinitions registry under a certain unique DefinitionId key, we need to make sure that it has:

  • an instance of the GHC.Generics.Generic type class:

    deriving stock instance (Generic MyParams)
    deriving stock instance (Generic MyRedeemer)
  • an instance of the AsDefinitionId type class. Most of the times it could be derived generically with the anyclass strategy, for example:

    deriving anyclass instance (AsDefinitionId MyParams)
    deriving anyclass instance (AsDefinitionId MyRedeemer)
  • an instance of the HasSchema type class. If your validator exposes standard supported types like Integer or Bool you don’t need to define this instance. If your validator uses custom types then you should be deriving it using the makeIsDataSchemaIndexed Template Haskell function, which derives it alongside with the corresponding ToBuiltinData/FromBuiltinData instances, for example:

    $(makeIsDataSchemaIndexed ''MyParams [('MkMyParams, 0)])
    $(makeIsDataSchemaIndexed ''MyRedeemer [('R1, 0), ('R2, 1)])

Finally, we need to define a validator blueprint for each validator used in the contract.

Our contract can contain one or more validators and for each one we need to provide a description as a value of the following type:

data ValidatorBlueprint (referencedTypes :: [Type]) = MkValidatorBlueprint
  { validatorTitle        :: Text
  -- ^ A short and descriptive name for the validator.
  , validatorDescription  :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ An informative description of the validator.
  , validatorRedeemer     :: ArgumentBlueprint referencedTypes
  -- ^ A description of the redeemer format expected by this validator.
  , validatorDatum        :: Maybe (ArgumentBlueprint referencedTypes)
  -- ^ A description of the datum format expected by this validator.
  , validatorParameters   :: Maybe (NonEmpty (ParameterBlueprint referencedTypes))
  -- ^ A list of parameters required by the script.
  , validatorCompiledCode :: Maybe ByteString
  -- ^ A full compiled and CBOR-encoded serialized flat script.

In our example this would be:

myValidator =
    { validatorTitle = "My Validator"
    , validatorDescription = Just "An example validator"
    , validatorParameters =
        [ MkParameterBlueprint
            { parameterTitle = Just "My Validator Parameters"
            , parameterDescription = Just "Compile-time validator parameters"
            , parameterPurpose = Set.singleton Spend
            , parameterSchema = definitionRef @MyParams
    , validatorRedeemer =
          { argumentTitle = Just "My Redeemer"
          , argumentDescription = Just "A redeemer that does something awesome"
          , argumentPurpose = Set.fromList [Spend, Mint]
          , argumentSchema = definitionRef @MyRedeemer
    , validatorDatum =
            { argumentTitle = Just "My Datum"
            , argumentDescription = Just "A datum that contains something awesome"
            , argumentPurpose = Set.singleton Spend
            , argumentSchema = definitionRef @MyDatum
    , validatorCompiledCode = Nothing -- you can optionally provide the compiled code here

The definitionRef function is used to reference a schema definition of a given type. It is smart enough to discover the schema definition from the referencedType list and fails to compile if the referenced type is not included.

With all the pieces in place, we can now write the blueprint to a file:

-- >>> writeBlueprintToFile "plutus.json"
writeBlueprintToFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
writeBlueprintToFile path = writeBlueprint path myContractBlueprint


Any CIP-0057 blueprint type definition may include optional keywords to provide additional information:

  • title

  • description

  • $comment

Its possible to add these keywords to a Blueprint type definition by annotating the Haskell type from which its derived with a corresponding annotation:

  • SchemaTitle

  • SchemaDescription

  • SchemaComment

For example, to add a title and description to the MyParams type, we can use the SchemaTitle and SchemaDescription annotations:

{-# ANN MkMyParams (SchemaTitle "Title for the MyParams definition") #-}
{-# ANN MkMyParams (SchemaDescription "Description for the MyParams definition") #-}

results in the following JSON schema definition:

  "title": "Title for the MyParams definition",
  "description": "Description for the MyParams definition",
  "dataType": "constructor",
  "fields": [
    { "$ref": "#/definitions/Bool" },
    { "$ref": "#/definitions/Integer" }
  "index": 0

For sum-types its possible to annotate constructors:

{-# ANN R1 (SchemaComment "Left redeemer") #-}
{-# ANN R2 (SchemaComment "Right redeemer") #-}

to produce the JSON schema definition:

  "oneOf": [
      "$comment": "Left redeemer",
      "dataType": "constructor",
      "fields": [],
      "index": 0
      "$comment": "Right redeemer",
      "dataType": "constructor",
      "fields": [],
      "index": 1

It is also possible to annotate validator’s parameter or argument type (as opposed to annotating constructors):

{-# ANN type MyParams (SchemaTitle "Example parameter title") #-}
{-# ANN type MyRedeemer (SchemaTitle "Example redeemer title") #-}

and then instead of providing them literally

myValidator =
    { ... elided
    , validatorParameters =
        [ MkParameterBlueprint
            { parameterTitle = Just "My Validator Parameters"
            , parameterDescription = Just "Compile-time validator parameters"
            , parameterPurpose = Set.singleton Spend
            , parameterSchema = definitionRef @MyParams
    , validatorRedeemer =
          { argumentTitle = Just "My Redeemer"
          , argumentDescription = Just "A redeemer that does something awesome"
          , argumentPurpose = Set.fromList [Spend, Mint]
          , argumentSchema = definitionRef @MyRedeemer
    , ... elided

use TH to have a more concise version :

myValidator =
    { ... elided
    , validatorParameters =
        [ $(deriveParameterBlueprint ''MyParams (Set.singleton Purpose.Spend)) ]
    , validatorRedeemer =
        $(deriveArgumentBlueprint ''MyRedeemer (Set.fromList [Purpose.Spend, Purpose.Mint]))
    , ... elided


Here is the full CIP-0057 blueprint produced by this “howto” example:

  "$id": "my-contract",
  "$schema": "",
  "$vocabulary": {
    "": true,
    "": true,
    "": true,
    "": true
  "preamble": {
    "title": "My Contract",
    "description": "A simple contract",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "plutusVersion": "v2",
    "license": "MIT"
  "validators": [
      "title": "My Validator",
      "description": "An example validator",
      "redeemer": {
        "title": "My Redeemer",
        "description": "A redeemer that does something awesome",
        "purpose": {
          "oneOf": [
        "schema": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/MyRedeemer"
      "datum": {
        "title": "My Datum",
        "description": "A datum that contains something awesome",
        "purpose": "spend",
        "schema": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/Integer"
      "parameters": [
          "title": "My Validator Parameters",
          "description": "Compile-time validator parameters",
          "purpose": "spend",
          "schema": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/MyParams"
  "definitions": {
    "Bool": {
      "dataType": "#boolean"
    "Integer": {
      "dataType": "integer"
    "MyParams": {
      "title": "Title for the MyParams definition",
      "description": "Description for the MyParams definition",
      "dataType": "constructor",
      "fields": [
          "$ref": "#/definitions/Bool"
          "$ref": "#/definitions/Integer"
      "index": 0
    "MyRedeemer": {
      "oneOf": [
          "$comment": "Left redeemer",
          "dataType": "constructor",
          "fields": [],
          "index": 0
          "$comment": "Right redeemer",
          "dataType": "constructor",
          "fields": [],
          "index": 1


You can find a more elaborate example of a contract blueprint in the Blueprint.Tests module of the plutus repository.